swimrun sweden

Information in English

Welcome to Torekov swimrun a swimrun competition along the south west coast of Sweden.

For a review of the race in english read Tim Walthers article in The world of swimrun 

An swimrun competition along the Bjäre peninsulare coast. 23 km in total, 18,4 km running and 4,6 km swimming.
Swimming takes place in open water, and the run mostly goes through the nature reserve of the Bjäre coast but also along the sandy beaches of Båstad, through the garden of Norrviken and the fishing village Torekov. Torekov swimrun has its starting point at Hotel Rivierastrand, in Båstad and the goal is at the "Morgonbryggan" in Torekov. The race is carried out in two-man teams that can consist of women, men or mixed couples.

For viewers:
The best place for the spectator is the Port of Båstad, where the participants pass about 11.10.
Kattvik harbor; 12-12.30.
Hovs hallar; 13-13.30.
Finish line at Morgon bryggan in Torekov, where the first is expected to finish in approx. kl. 14.00

Before start;
You pick up your participant envenlope at the Tourist office in Torekov from friday morning. 

The envelope must be collected at least 15 minutes before departure by bus to Båstad!

The bus leaves Torekov port plan at 10 am!

Start at Hotel Riviera strand at 11:00!

The bathing cap and number vest will be your starting certificate and must be worn throughout the race (bathing cap does not have to be worn on the head on land).

Cap, number-west and time-chip is collected at the finishing line!
On Saturday morning you can pick up your participant envelope from 08.00.
We want to encourage sportsmanship, joy, happiness and fair play both on and off the track



Bag drop off
You can leave your bag in Båstad and it will be transported to Torekov. 
Timing will be done by chip and the result will be on the website. e.
Finishing takes place at Morgonbryggan in Torekov. The recorded time will be when the last team member crosses the finish line.

You must have passes Hovs hallar at 14.00 in order to continue the competition! We close the finish at 16.00. Those who has not finished we help to get back to Torekov.

The competitors in the team are responsible for each other's safety.
Along the course there are security personnel.
Information on currents, wind, water temperature and waves can be found on
At the port plan in Torekov there will be CPR trained officials.
No changing rooms
There are no changing rooms, 

Toilets can be found at the harbor in Torekov and inside Hotel Rivierastrand.

Award ceremony
Prize for the first three in ladies, men and mixed class.

Training for
tjoin us for two training occassions with the legend Magnus Eriksson, that has taken part in every Torekov swimrun! On the 24 th and 31 st of july, More info